[quote=shana16;#13564;1335705683]im not soo maarte kaw kase 1 dollar is only 40 somthing,, you soo poor. beggar.[/quote]
I already admit that I'm poor that's why I don't have dollars! But at least I don't look like a poor one. Unlike you, rich but looks like one of the badjao's.

[i]''teh pangkain lang namin ng kapatod ko teh. sige na teh.''[/i]

[quote=shana16;#13564;1335705683]why shes so tagal? T.T receiving the code wont take that long.[/quote]
I don't know. Maybe she has balat sa pwet.


[quote=shana16;#13564;1335705683]shes ellielang:)[/quote]
She said she's not.