[quote=asawanibatman;#141889;1338790974]Hmm. Are you & Xy together?

I like Xy

[quote=SkylineGoddess;#141892;1338791104]Why is your avatar so malupet?

Shh, that's my gf right thur

[quote=douchefag;#141917;1338791734]Congrats Gab.
Y so Famous?

Thanks bro

Cause, I'm a badass [b]porno[/b]grapher.

Join the club bruv.

Why disappointed?

HAHAHA. You can pay me back next week. When I win.


kfine, I'm sure you'll win so congrats man

[quote=ScarletMoon;#142043;1338793454]dadeeh you told me I am the only girl in your life

you have lots of girls..i hate you na dadeeh..

now choose dadeeh me or xy?

sino ba sa kanila ang mommeeh ko ?

Don't hate, bad un

What a question

[spoiler]pwede maglayas nalang? Haha[/spoiler]