[quote=Tricia;#175158;1339894685]I saw the picture on Bestgore.com Bring back the Death Penalty[/quote]
and i told you not to view it and you did =___= haiyyoooo... if you found the video then will be traumatized

[quote=Jhncys;#175865;1339909358]Aw man. Too bad. He looks kind of hot.[/quote]
victim or gay dude? LOL
[quote=bobcbar;#175060;1339889263]This guy is one sick bastard..if there were ever a reason for the death penalty this would be it[/quote]
He's committed a first degree murder, having sex with a corpse, torturing animals, mailing an obscene material to the prime minister... but the final statement for his prison has not made cleared yet.. he's still facing the judge..

cross fingers for death penalty