[quote=khuyabrye.20;#195397;1340685372]Do you think you're really a smart person?[/quote]
I'm a sun and globe subscriber.
[quote=khuyabrye.20;#195397;1340685372]What's your average when you graduated HS?[/quote]
I can't remember. But I got an special award when I graduated HS.
[quote=ninch;#195348;1340682880]How are you today?[/quote]
I feel sick.
[quote=ninch;#195348;1340682880]How's life been for the past few days?[/quote]
Weird feeling.
[quote=ninch;#195348;1340682880]Do you have lovelife?[/quote]
I don't know. How will I know if it's lovelife already?