[quote=renz_RN;#202826;1341024169]Tisoy o moreno?[/quote]
Any will do. No preference on skin complexion.

[quote=renz_RN;#202826;1341024169]hunk or slim?[/quote]
Both. As long as he has no bellies.

[quote=renz_RN;#202826;1341024169]tall(5"8' and up) or small(5"7' and below)?[/quote]
Taller than me.
[quote=renz_RN;#202826;1341024169]Hairy or not so?[/quote]
I don't have preference on this kind. As long as he's clean and good looking.
[quote=iSuperman;#202877;1341025648]Whats on yo mind?[/quote]
I don't know.

[quote=Cklarck;#202952;1341029601]do you like tahong?[/quote]
I eat tahong.
[quote=Cklarck;#202952;1341029601]how much?[/quote]
How much is the tahong?
Last edited by A I C H (2012-06-30 00:47:06)