[quote=Jirichi;#19224;1335853190]Anyway I've seen SNSD TTS - Twinkle MV and it was a catchy song.
Great MV cause there are my ChanYeol, Kai, SeHun, Bacooonn !!!
Yeol is ultimate love. ;-;[/quote]
Hello bb from EXO Planet!!!! hohohohohohoh
[quote=eneyjjang;#20038;1335863683]What do you mean dont say that in public? Most of your tweets are about them[/quote]

[quote=eneyjjang;#20038;1335863683]I'm not really YoonA's fan. I used to dislike her. *HII NIX * But after seeing some photos of her, I thought to myself.. wow this chiq really is something[/quote]
Erm erm watch Love Rain!!!!! Fffuuuu
[quote=eneyjjang;#20038;1335863683]Anyway can someone please tell me who is who among EXO members? I really can't remember anyone[/quote]
From left to right: Tao, Lay, Xiumin, Luhan, Kris, Chen
From left to right: Sehun, Chanyeol, Suho, Baekhyun, Kai, D.O
You can go to my EXO tags if you want. [url=http://nixism.tumblr.com/tagged/exo]Here oh.[/url]