[quote=kath;#206767;1341211708]do you believe that the children are the future?

I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be. Everybody searching for a hero. People need someone to look up to. I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs. A lonely place to be. So I learned to depend on me

[quote=ielle;#206859;1341213837]You like my ava?

nowp.. the boobies

[quote=A I C H;#206867;1341213964]How young are you in real life?[/quote]
Young at heart and physically

[quote=A I C H;#206867;1341213964]Do you think you're hot?

nope... I define hot as hot bods in century tuna

im soo thin and skinny

[quote=A I C H;#206867;1341213964]What's your waistline?[/quote]
a standard wasteline of a chick

[quote=A I C H;#206867;1341213964]Your weight? In kg?

the last time i checked its.. 110lbs

coz I tried to go to a gym and gain 10 pounds... my goal is 120lbs... then I failed

[quote=A I C H;#206867;1341213964]Are you open for suitors? Or is ur door close already?

yes! yes! yes!

with open arms and legs

[quote=A I C H;#206867;1341213964]Do you sing?[/quote]
sometimes... though I really didn't dig much into singing.. coz I already accepted that I suxx at it BIG time

[quote=A I C H;#206867;1341213964]What's your genre?[/quote]
though im not that really good at it yet... but Im still practicing daily on my fave djent band songs

[quote=Aiashine;#206908;1341214376]Congrats Nanix

Thanks Aila