[quote=kath;#207058;1341216113]where did you got the emoticon on your siggy[/quote]
boss vect gave it to me... who's vect?
an ftalk member
[quote=kath;#207058;1341216113]how do you define life
Life sucks beauty out of you
[quote=A I C H;#207063;1341216186]Younger than me?[/quote]
haven't met u in person yet
so i can't tell
[quote=A I C H;#207063;1341216186]
Can you measure your thinness?[/quote]
I will if someone will help me
[quote=A I C H;#207063;1341216186]Chick? The animal or the chick(girls)?[/quote]
[quote=A I C H;#207063;1341216186]IN KILOGRAMS.[/quote]
It's 50 maam
[quote=A I C H;#207063;1341216186]
Do you think somebody's out there wanting to be with you?[/quote]
no...? that's why im singel
[quote=A I C H;#207063;1341216186]How difficult is digging for you?[/quote]
sorry...? I lost u there...
you mean how difficult is singing for me?
[quote=A I C H;#207063;1341216186]How often do you grab snickers?[/quote]
Just so when im hungry
[quote=Belle;#207073;1341216417]21? I swear it has a 1.
[quote=Belle;#207073;1341216417]Do you look like bram in person?
totally different
though I in my point of view... he really looked like my older brother during his younger days
[quote=kitsune11;#207101;1341216885]Congrats Pakla
Hoi tamis!
[quote=kitsune11;#207101;1341216885]Q: How are you? Long time no talk.
yeah! long time no load
me? still suffering from a disease