[quote=aicah;#222478;1341902114]Is it hard to be in a long distance relationship?

it requires lots of patience and trust but when you see each other its really worth it

What strategies can you give to me for me to have a longer relationship?

perhaps constant communication and love

[quote=kitsune11;#222551;1341904423]Congrats Kath
How are you?[/quote]
thanks kit

im doing great

[quote=ielle;#222560;1341904776]It's not. Just name those who knew.[/quote]
[b]then there's a lot

[quote=ielle;#222560;1341904776]Flat tops again?[/quote]
why so choosy

I cant afford expensive chocolate

[quote=BebeChiyo;#222564;1341904852]Congrats again girl[/quote]
thanks my
