Here's the game: You list down five weird/unusual facts about you. The next person will quote it and bold the ones that apply to him/her too (bold the ones you have in common). Then, list down another five weird/unusual facts about you for the next person.
For example:
poster 1
1. I eat ampalaya.
2. I don't like chocolate.
3. I only use the spoon when I eat.
4. I like photos in black and white.
5. I believe in reality TV.
poster 2
[quote]1.[b] I eat ampalaya.[/b]
2. I don't like chocolate.
3. I only use the spoon when I eat.
4. [b]I like photos in black and white[/b].
5. I believe in reality TV.[/quote]
1. I have 36 pairs of flipflops.
2. I play with my baby brother's toys.
3. I eat durian.
4. I do not think David Beckham is attractive.
5. I want orange hair.
I'll go first.
1. I like to dance
2. I don't eat ampalaya
3. I have a Dell laptop
4. I'm addicted to chocolate
5. I don't know how to swim