[quote=SuperNix;#23031;1335916455]Mandong, just continue fangirling DBSK lol But I like Bbang too.[/quote]
There's nothing to fangirl in DBSK

[quote=eneyjjang;#20038;1335863683]I ship IU with Teydaddy~[/quote]

From left to right: Sehun, Chanyeol, Suho, Baekhyun, Kai, D.O[/quote]
I like Kai. He's like a mixture of Taemin and Changmin and <insert other possible parent of this lovechild> He's not that handsome but he has charisma

[quote=eneyjjang;#22999;1335915938]Yes yes! Watch that. I recommend you watch Go Show and their Bad boy and Fantastic baby good bye perfs. Idk. Those two perfs were pure of hotness for me[/quote]
Will do! Will do!

Anyway, I just want to mention that I really, really like FT Island's Severely