[quote=Jirichi;#25625;1335960130]Ayeaa ! Another EXOtic <3
Nice to meet you ! Let's fangirling them ![/quote]
Okidoki. But let me ask a question.. do you like it if EXO's fandom will be officially called [b]EXOtic[/b]?

[quote=PUSH;#25642;1335960315]We can be like that when we're alone wif them
Btw, among all of them, who would you like to be alone with in a room for just one night? *im not saying a one night stand okay?*[/quote]
Among EXO??

[quote=PUSH;#25642;1335960315]Im not sure, but from what i heard its like 2 or 3 places. One wud be possbly in china town, i know one is in eastwood and i dont know if there is one near MOA.[/quote]
Saw this: