[quote=jechel.eonni;#199445;1340864835]Congested cheeks, and spots on the chin and jaw line. While spots on the cheeks may have simple causes such as cosmetics or unclean pillowcases, this area is also thought to be linked to the lungs. Spots in this region can therefore be indicative of respiratory distress, with smokers, asthmatics and allergy sufferers being prone to breakouts or broken capillaries on the cheeks. Spots on the chin and jaw line are generally thought to be due to hormonal fluctuations and may appear on women at particular stages of their menstrual cycle. Persistent spots in this area, however, may be a symptom of a hormone imbalance or endocrine disorder such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, so it may be worthwhile getting your hormone levels checked if you are experiencing other symptoms such as missed periods or weight gain.[/quote]