[quote=bobcbar;#271743;1344851140][quote=bianx;#271731;1344847905]Whyyy is that, I mean there are a lot to give than just orgasm[/quote]
A guy will always want to make sure the girl is super satisfied when making love...if he can't satisfy her needs she might dump him easy for someone who can

Some guys don't care though.
Well, they'd feel bad if you didn't climax but they'd feel so good after orgasming they end up not caring whether it was good for the girl too.

I think this is especially true with married couples. It's not like the woman could dump him easily just because he wasn't able to make her cum.

but the feeling of wanting to please your partner is always there.
This fear is most especially felt by guys who haven't had sex yet with their gf imo.