[quote=ielle;#298442;1349425341]Oh. We're the same in this one.
[quote=ielle;#298442;1349425341]Your least favorite book/s you have read?[/quote]
Red Riding Hood
[quote=michelle;#298462;1349434680]If given the chance to change your name, would you like to change it to Ana?
Why Ana?
I don't like to change my name. I believe that I have a unique name
[quote=Natsume;#298463;1349435159]Q: if your given a chance to meet an ftalker, who is it and why?[/quote]
All ftalkers
[quote=MC-ngapalanamekoikaw;#298470;1349444348]What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?[/quote]
[quote=idgaf;#298476;1349449903]Hi Glenice!
Hello Jonald!
[quote=idgaf;#298476;1349449903]Q1: I almost forgot to ask this, who's your top 5 crush?
You said you're gonna answer this if you'd be the FTW
I've answered this question already
They're only 4 not 5
[quote=idgaf;#298476;1349449903]Q2: Have you ever had a physical with someone? If yes, when was the last time?[/quote]
Huh? Physical what?