[quote=A I C H;#312375;1354716710]1. I hate reading hard bound books. -- [i]i like hard bound books; they're prettier.[/i]
2. Unpredictable. -- s[i]ome people can predict what I'd say and do[/i]
3. I prefer watching movies than reading books. -- [i]I like both[/i]
4. I've watched the 2nd part of Breaking Dawn w/o first watching the 1st part. -- [i]I've watched all the installments in order. -_-[/i]
5. I value punctuality the most.
-- [i]I am always late even tho I wanna arrive early[/i].[/quote]
1. I am PMSing right now.
2. Google taught me how to cook. (Like sweet and sour pork, beefsteak, tinola etc.)
3. I always crave for sweets everyday
4. I like anime and gaming as much as I like clothes and make-up.
5. Get mad at me, and I'll get mad at you too.
Last edited by aya (2012-12-06 01:42:57)