Do you like the new feature, Timeline on Facebook? If you do, post your current cover photo and give a little description about the picture.

Which do you prefer, the old Facebook with a simpler settings or the new one with a timeline?
I personally like the old profile better, but I'm starting to like the new Facebook Timeline now.

Here's my current cover photo:
[quote]A collage of my childhood friends, including me. Lol

We took all those pictures on my friend's birthday just yesterday, April 30, 2012. I've been friends with these guys for 11 years now, and I've shared a lot of memories with them too. I think this was the first time we've had a number of picture like these, so it's really something to be cherished. So there. Sorry for my long desc.

Last edited by Pawws (2012-05-01 08:14:41)