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  2013-07-02 23:18:14

» FTalkElite
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Decent Thread StarterFTalkers ♥♥ Me!
Se7en Deadly Sins

Re: W h a t T u r n s Y o u O n ? :">

[quote=senpaimomo;#326778;1367337500]Her smile, when I touch her slender arms, when she behaves like a lady, the way she will look at me, her shining hair that smells so nice, her sense of humor, when we made body contact (like skin touching, touching her/my hand), and [b]her ass [/b]:lol2:[/quote] Dat booty tho :lol3: When I can see the guy's passion in doing what he does (music, art, science, helping people, etc). Had a huge crush on the guy who played cello at our school. He looked cute when he played the cello, but when I met him he wasn't really that cute. :lol3: I don't know how this works, but it does for me. :lol2: A combination of this and a really great personality will suffice. Abs is a good bonus (((= Hahahahahaha

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