[quote=nyliam;#3235;1335537019]oh my! amiganess you is back!
Thank youness amiganess!

How is you? Why do you do?

[quote=cropped.head;#3264;1335537248]im just lazy finding my ava btw, hows life after graduation?[/quote]
Good. I'm helping our country.

Helping the no. of unemployed increase.

[quote=shana16;#3317;1335537676]i'll guide you til you die[/quote]
Lemme have a walker. I'm a toddler.

[quote=shana16;#3317;1335537676]its okay no one will bother answering your questions anyway[/quote]
It's okay.

But I do have a reserved Q for you anyway. Are you related to my butt?

Coz you looks like a poop.