[quote=mndrl;#368815;1381330703]omgggg all tvd feels but i haven't watched the originals. i fell asleep

TO was really good, to be honest. I streamed the second episode last night but I fell asleep on it too hhahahahaha but it's really good.
[quote=Pawws;#368817;1381333906]shit guys

did ya both watch it on etc?!!?!? 8pm is tvd and 10pm, the originals!?!? =__= fudge I fell asleep too!

I felt like crying, the morning after I woke up.

Nahh, I downloaded the season premieres then maybe watch the following episodes online. I was frustrated because.. it was frustrating hahahahaha I don't wanna say spoilers! Just watch it GOGOGOGOGOGO

@t ditch school but i can't because it's hell week and sembreak's just a week or so away!