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  2014-03-22 07:23:56

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Who Has Seen You Completely Naked?

^ hey.. im not fapping. i'm just changing my clothes :lol3: [quote=aya;#388425;1395486239]Last time I went home to the province, I took a bath in our bathroom with the broken door knob. I was in the middle of scrubbing my body when someone tried to push the door, so I said "There's someone here!" but she was like banging on it like it was an emergency so I let her pushed the door open and wondered what it was about without covering up. I was a bit surprised because it was out manicurist, and she blushed so hard and kept apologising over and over. Apparently, she didn't hear what I said. :lol3:[/quote] :lol3: i think its normal.You're both girl :xixi:

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