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  2014-04-03 14:07:38

» FTalkAgent
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Re: Do You Think Women Are Better Than Men?

[quote=Natsume;#391062;1396494547]if women are better than men, tell me a women who can beat superman and son goku.[/quote] If you are talking about real strengths of Superman and Son Goku then, Chichi and Lois are no match for them. But then, if we are talking about in the emotional aspect.. whether you like or not.. only these girls can break or can hurt these guys deeply. People may not see the pain/wounds these girls could inflict to them.. still, it'll sting/hurt more than the physical damage anyone could give them. :D I think it is equal. The are things that only women can do and vice versa. Maybe men are stronger if we are talking about the physical strength you all have but I believe you can never beat a Women in the emotional aspect. :D So I therefore conclude.. Women are better than Men. :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

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