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What genre of photography is your favorite?

Light painting
2% - 1
Sports photography
2% - 1
Street photography
14% - 5
Bokeh Photography
5% - 2
14% - 5
Floral photography
5% - 2
Studio Photography
2% - 1
Food Photography
8% - 3
Wild life photography
0% - 0
Candid photographs
11% - 4
Travel Photography
20% - 7
Still Life Photography
5% - 2
Nude Photography
2% - 1
Others (Please spesify)
0% - 0

Total : 34 votes
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  2014-04-09 15:23:46

 Shella B
Chou99's display avatar
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Genre of photography

[quote][b]" A picture is worth a 1000 words”[/b] Photography is a vast field that reaches all the age-gruops of the society. So basically photography is known as the visual documentation of events and some memorable moments (personally). Along with the growth of technology the evolution in this medium radically and proved very beneficial to all. In olden days photos were the symbol of excitement and cameras were symbol of status. Now photography is accessible to all irrespective of what medium it is. People around the world use different styles of photography. But if we classify in general ; Commercial photography ,Artistic photography, Technical photography are major sub divisions. Apart from these, there are so many genres/types of photography --- [i][/i]/[/quote] [align=center][i][b]So what genre of photography is your favorite?why? and what is the least one?[/b][/i][/align] complete liist you can find here >> [url=][/url] Light painting [img][/img] Sports photography [img][/img] Street photography [img][/img] Bokeh Photography [img][/img] Portraiture [img][/img] Floral photography [img][/img] Studio Photography [img][/img] Food Photography [img][/img] Wild life photography [img][/img] Candid photographs [img][/img] Travel Photography [img][/img] Still Life Photography [img][/img] For nude photography [spoiler]I searched safest work....and I failed so no picture :ninja2:[/spoiler]

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