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You are viewing a post by sarcastickidsoldier. View all 151 posts in sarcastickidsoldier.

  2014-04-13 13:59:01

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero
Se7en Deadly Sins


[quote=aya;#395785;1397411150]Congratulation, Sebastian.[/quote] don't know If should I thank you on this. :threaten: [quote=aya;#395785;1397411150]Was it a girl or a bo? If it's a boy, why did you bully him?[/quote] both I think :lol3: I always put bubblegum on my classmates chair so I don't care if who will sit there, also I remember I hit one of my classmate face because he refuse to share his answer on quiz :eh: then they send me to guidance office they ask me to squat for an hr I think or less and some students watching over me, then I cried that time while doing the squat. :lol3: [quote=aya;#395785;1397411150]I will make sure to cut myself when we meet.[/quote] cut ur self like this :x_x: [quote=PUSH;#395788;1397411883]wait wait. is that your real age? high five to people who suck at math! pleasee grill this person. he's way too mysterious for me[/quote] Yes it is. you jelly on ma age brotha? :lol3: Yes high five! I'm so pro :lol3:

Last edited by sarcastickidsoldier (2014-04-13 14:03:49)

You are viewing a post by sarcastickidsoldier. View all 151 posts in sarcastickidsoldier.

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