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You are viewing a post by sarcastickidsoldier. View all 151 posts in sarcastickidsoldier.

  2014-04-13 15:13:38

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero
Se7en Deadly Sins


[quote=PUSH;#395827;1397414639]really ei? lol kfine[/quote] U not satisfied? :threaten: [quote=PUSH;#395827;1397414639]among all the girls on your list, who do you think ure most likely to court if ever?[/quote] Iana, she's a morena beauty that caught my attention :lol3: that's what I can see based on her pictures :lol: [quote=PUSH;#395827;1397414639]or have you already tried ur moves to one or maybe a few of them?[/quote] No. Hehe [quote=PUSH;#395827;1397414639]who is ur guy crush?[/quote] I asked my self if its possible for me to have a crush on a guy :lol3: pak u push, well Brad Pitt? :lol3: [quote=PUSH;#395827;1397414639]any enemies in ft?[/quote] I can't say as enemy. just annoy, but forgot her username from old FT [quote=aya;#395832;1397414927]someone still remembers this and will laugh at you for life.[/quote] If there is. I hope we wont see each other in person again :um: :lol3: [quote=aya;#395832;1397414927]Okay. Stand by, K? So what happens to you if you see blood?[/quote] [i]Nginig tuhod [/i] I don't know what's the right term in english :facepalm: and sometimes I feels I wnna :puke: [quote=aya;#395832;1397414927]So which number am I?[/quote] Ofc you're the #1 cause you were the one who's asking :lol3: [quote=aya;#395832;1397414927]If you see wallet with 20kphp inside, are you going to return it to the owner or keep it for yourself?[/quote] I won't :lol3: I will buy all I can worth 20kphp on that day :lol3:

Last edited by sarcastickidsoldier (2014-04-13 15:14:23)

You are viewing a post by sarcastickidsoldier. View all 151 posts in sarcastickidsoldier.

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