How much blood should you see before you feel like puking?[/quote]
Hard to tell its really depend on my fcking mood maybe

[quote=aya;#395857;1397417041]o if des asked the same question, you will answer #1 also? HAHAHAHAHHA.[/quote]
No co'z u're the one asking.

[quote=aya;#395857;1397417041]What is the first thing that you will buy? HaHAhHAHahaha[/quote]
Maybe I will eat on any high class restaurant and order buffet invite my friends to come [i]bigtime wannabe[/i]

[quote=aya;#395857;1397417041]If for example you support plastic surgery and then you win the lotto, what procedure will you undergo?[/quote]
I'm satisfied on what I have. maybe Fats transplant? if it exist