[quote=aya;#395859;1397418435]That's so funny coz I had a guy classmate who fainted after our mandatory blood testing, and he's gay.[/quote]
Fainted? HAHAHAHAHAHA. I wont faint

what happened after he fainted? the whole class reaction?

[quote=aya;#395859;1397418435]So if for example Rai, your victim told his/her parents and then you got scolded by the teachers because of it, are you going to continue bullying or are you gunna stop completely?[/quote]
Someone already did. I shot him using pellet gun.

on the next day his mother came to our school and scolded me. I'm speechless. my co-bully team was laughing at me for the whole day

and I stop. I search for new target after a days or week as I remember
Last edited by sarcastickidsoldier (2014-04-13 16:12:25)