[quote=aya;#395865;1397420766]What kind of fucking excuse is this?
Why the hell would you want me to think you're rich?[/quote]
Hahaha co'z I only plan to invite those people who think that moneehh was really mine so maybe If I treat them in a buffet there's a small possibility that they will think I'm [i]galante[/i] unlike u, u already know that money wasn't mine

[quote=madazn;#395869;1397429971]Congrats man.
What kind of games do you generally play online?[/quote]
Thanks! I usually play mmorpg

like ragnarok,dragonest,flyff
[quote=kitsune11;#395876;1397431530]Congrats Sebastian![/quote]

[quote=chaw;#395877;1397431670]hey rai congrats!
if u can change ur username, what would it be?[/quote]
Should I thankyou about this?


[quote=Pawws;#395879;1397432098]congrats rai hahaha
i'll ask later[/quote]
[quote=bubblegum;#395884;1397434618]Why are you thin? Is it because you have TB or thyroid problem?[/quote]
No lol I don't have any problem maybe because I am addicted on computer games before and lack of sleep. but I started to gain weight when I quit that kind of life

[quote=Pawws;#395899;1397445306]are you a virgin, rai?[/quote]
What kind of virgin?

maybe Yes? Hahahaha! Never been touch but already receive too much dmg.

[quote=Pawws;#395899;1397445306]if not then when and who was your first?
was it awkward or awesome?[/quote]
I answer yes. so would you like to take it?

then u can answer your own question if its awkward or awesome

[quote=Pawws;#395899;1397445306]do you think you're a beautiful boy? how?[/quote]
No. beauty + boy = gay
