[quote=des;#396064;1397482644]You don't smoke.
You're a virgin.
Your english is good.
You're pagnet.
You play online Games.[/quote]
Its either he's really making this shit up, he's a complete hobo-nerd or a perfect boyfriend material?

dafuq i cant imagine the 3rd one being right


-Do you think a lot of girls are attracted to you?
-Rate ur hansemness from 1-10 (10 being the fck-it-im-perfect)
-Besides bullying, whats the meanest thing that you have done to anyone?
-Do you know ur username is hard to pronounce? Dahell were u thinking..
-Since u are still (surprisingly) a virgin, would you give it up quickly or wait for the right girl? (shet pbb teens

-You sure u're not gay?

-What did you think of the previous FTW?
-What is the equivalent of a PI?
-Do you believe in second chances?
Last edited by PUSH (2014-04-14 10:45:42)