[quote=aya;#396059;1397481764]None of your previous girlfriends tried to rape you?[/quote]
Sadly no one

or maybe I always pick wrong one. who is shy type.

[quote=aya;#396059;1397481764]What are you taking up in College?[/quote]
IT[i] isang tanga[/i]

[quote=des;#396064;1397482644]Is this really true? Wow, unicorn.[/quote]
what u mean unicorn? I'm slow as earthworm u know

[quote=des;#396064;1397482644]How dare you, Sebastian!
I was being nice for the first time in forever and you ruined it, bastard.[/quote]
Hahahahaha How dare u also for not showing me ur kulotz pic

[quote=des;#396064;1397482644]You don't smoke.[/quote]
Smoker = bad breath. Hahaha based on my own belief
[quote=des;#396064;1397482644]You're a virgin.[/quote]
I'm lazy to smash one. Sorry am I such a failure?

[quote=des;#396064;1397482644]Your english is good.[/quote]
No I'm not I was having hard time to answer every question cause I need to double check if my answer is in correct form.

[quote=des;#396064;1397482644]You're pagnet.[/quote]
Same as you.

[quote=des;#396064;1397482644]You play online Games.[/quote]
Is there any problem with that? and you still playing ragnarok

[quote=des;#396064;1397482644]Are you for real? Or you are just making this up?[/quote]
No I'm not I'm not. Yes I am just making this up. [i]buhat sariling bangko.[/i]

I am just answering their questions anestli.

Why dfaq u asking me this? then what is your impression on me?

[quote=aya;#396067;1397483041]You two saying Sebastian's the ideal guy?
Oh wow.[/quote]
Hi fangurlzx

take this ..l.,
[quote=des;#396078;1397484452]We've always been fighting for years about almost anything under the sun.[/quote]
co'z u always mocking me. tsk tsk too bad young grasshopper.