[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]What do you hate about yourself?[/quote]
Im a paradox

, i get easily pursuaded to do things. I make bad decisions a lot, i regret alot of things.
[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]What is your greatest wish?[/quote]
To become successful in life and have all of my dreams come true
[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]If someone you love has to die in order for your wish to come true, would you still want your wish to be granted?[/quote]
No of course, Its not fun to be successful but alone
[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]What is your favorite band of all time?[/quote]
All time? Maroon 5.
[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]What are you willing to sacrifice just to see them?[/quote]
My work

[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]Would you rather watch your parents have sex every day or join in once to make it stop?[/quote]
Ill try to make it stop, i mean can i close my eyes though and just let them do their business

[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]Would you rather have a vagina on your forehead? Or have a row of penises down your back like a stegosaurus?[/quote]
Penises like a dinosaur. Dinosaurs are cool!!.. wait a stegosaurus is a dinosaur right?
[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]If you need to have sex with someone here in FT in order to save your family, who would it be and why? (Ex. BFs, Rai and Tres not allowed)[/quote]
Ughh. Wait, i dont know

.. Harvii?

[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]Would you rather be illiterate or illegitimate?[/quote]
[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]If you're going to steal a physical attribute from an ftalker, what are you going to steal and from whom.[/quote]
You. I will steal everything

[quote=aya;#405294;1399382588]What do you hate about these people:
Aya - You are unpredictable, its scary to piss you off
Duch - I hate that she knows me so much, i cant hide anything from her
Ed - His creativity makes me hate myself

Brm - He is reserved, its hard to read him
Chaw - I really dont have anything though, maybe im envious of her looks?

Pawws - That i still havent seen her

Ninch - I guess i dont know her too well.
Chan - Same with ninch. I guess i dont know if we have anything in common

Uma - She is so shy, and she doesnt even know she looks good. She used to selfpity herself, which i hate
Rai - One of the people i dont want to piss off, or be like awkward to cus like aya he is also unpredictable
Tres - I still have a lot of things i need to know about this dude.
Des - I dont have anything i hate about her.
Ice - I dont get to talk to her anymore. I hate how we became distant
Hafeez - he is sometimes way too happy, im jealous

Dondon - I guess ur recent ftw surprised me alot.
Belle - She is somehow scary, like i dont know how i can become close with her[/quote]
Last edited by PUSH (2014-05-06 10:06:09)