[quote]When your blood glucose levels are too low (caused by lack of food as a result of going too long between meals) your body will crave carbohydrate such as potatoes, bread and pasta[/quote]
DUHHHH -___- JOKE AHHAHAH this is why you never skip breakfast because your body will immediately go to survival mode if u skip like your brain would go crazy
[quote=kayeelsters;#242191;1342745954]If you're vegetarian and craving steak, you may need to find a better protein source.[/quote]
if you aren't vegetarian, THIN cut sirloin/tenderloin (anything that has a "loin") will actually do it.
[quote=kayeelsters;#242191;1342745954]Try soy protein as an alternative.[/quote]
love this thread thanks for sharing
Last edited by chaw (2014-05-21 18:04:51)