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Dear ME

You are viewing a post by DreamWeaver. View all 289 posts in Dear ME.

  2016-04-02 04:25:40

DreamWeaver's display avatar
» FTalkFreak
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go hye mi ~

Re: Dear ME

Dear ME, I know you're tired of everything but don't give up. Make your dreams come true. Make them proud. You always disappoint them so make a thing that could change it. Just trust HIM. Never doubt his power. Maybe it's not your time now but someday you can make it. He has better plan than yours so never ever give up. If you'll make a plan AGAIN, just make sure you can stick to it. You CAN do it. I know. You're near. Don't let the problems ruin you. Stand up. They are always there remember? Smile. Everything will gonna be alright. Fighting! :bomb::lol3: Love, Yourself :lol2: PS. Be mature enough. You're not a child anymore tho you look like one :xixi::lol3::lol3:

You are viewing a post by DreamWeaver. View all 289 posts in Dear ME.

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