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  2012-05-12 16:39:30

 Lareith Ann
yh3t's display avatar
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Re: ECCHI corner!! =))

This may sound weird coming from a hardcore yaoi lover, but I always try not to watch any ecchi animes. It's just not my kinda anime/manga. ;A; I hated it ever since whoever knows when. I've seen Kame no Maid guy, and the scenes where the made fun of they girl's boobs just pisses me off. Idk man. Maybe I just have a different sense of humor. :confident: I'm currently watching 'Kore wa Zombie desu ka' (the storyline, like the main storyline without the ecchi scenes is amazing) , but as of the moment, I'm on episode 5 (almost halfway of the friggin show) , but there's still nothing but ecchi. I'm planning to drop it. ;A; Btw, I dropped 90% of animes that has a lot of ecchi scenes. :paranoid:

Last edited by yh3t (2012-05-12 16:40:34)

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