[quote=SkylineGoddess;#71164;1336877216]You go sister! And don't forget to put a basin under your chin. Saliva drooling drooling[/quote]
I'll put the whole bathub sister.
[quote=SkylineGoddess;#71164;1336877216]I just don't get why a girl like me knows all of these y'know? It's like I was born to be this way[/quote]
atleast you finally discovered your passion sis.
i'm still taking your offer to go tnt on Japan btw,
[quote=cropped.head;#71182;1336877455]oi oi oi Jhenecys whut is this?
anyway... what was that second echhi anime that u recommended?
but seriously.. i like Akane-Iro i rate it 7 out of 10[/quote]
DearS master. It's not really hs sort of story but it's good. For me.
It's really good right? Toldya.