[quote=ECKAdoodles;#87250;1337258735]If you would be given a chance to be someone here in ftalk, who would it be and why?
Like, if both of us are single and available?
[quote=bramzero;#87503;1337265514]What's the best thing in your life? (other than yourself of course)
Just thankful I wasn't born in the slums.
[quote=Belle;#87618;1337269190]It was supah short right? Like that of a boy.[/quote]
It doesn't look thatttt bad irl. (It was really bad at first tho, like ultra mega disaster. hahaha!)
[quote=Belle;#87618;1337269190]What other kind of hairstyle would you like to have?[/quote]
I dunno if I can pull it off but I want hairstyles like [url=https://www.google.com.ph/search?hl=fil&safe=off&q=asian+fashion&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=690&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=EqO1T5PCFOj2mAXd4aSsCQ]these[/url].
[quote=Natsume;#87730;1337297307]She turned down an initial offer of $750K offer because she wanted ONE MILLION dollars for the nude Playboy shots.[/quote]
That's because she has a name, whereas I don't. So if someone offered me to pose nude for $1M, I am so gunna grab it. I would even be thankful that someone would want my [s]bulging tummy[/s] me in a magazine.
[quote=Natsume;#87730;1337297307]ah so you don't like sweet dish
same here.[/quote]
Yeah, doesn't seem to fit well with rice.
[quote=Natsume;#87730;1337297307]fishball, kikiam, squidball, siomai, kwekkwek, isaw, adidas, betamax
I eat fishball, kikiam, squidball, siomai, and isaw...
not really with kwekwek, adidas and betamax.
I like adidas in chinese restaurants tho.