[quote=aya;#91437;1337404228]I can stay still for 3 seconds. You should be telling that to @des
I've told that to des and she's not even a crack whore from the slums who is prone to trembling.
[quote=aya;#91437;1337404228]I think I'm prostitute material... if I was born in the slums.
How do you think you would start your career? Personal choice or pressure from outside? At what age? Who would be your first customers?
Can't waitttt
[quote=aya;#91486;1337405126][b]nina[/b] - I've met with her countless of times.
We've been friends before FT.
[b]bram[/b] - First ftalker I met.
[b]james[/b] - I met him once
[b]push[/b] - saw her 2x, first with admin and then second time with dondon, neex, lois
[b]neex[/b] - first met him at Trinoma. He treated us pizza. Yay!
[b]dondon[/b] -
[b]lois[/b] - also met her for the first time in Neex' pizza treat EB.
and then [i]last[/i] eb...
i dunno if [b]bin[/b] is an ftalker.
Do you think it's a good idea to actually meet people you know online? Why?