[quote=iSuperman;#97891;1337579569]Do you like Xy?[/quote]
Are you jealous?

[quote=SkylineGoddess;#97898;1337579690]Because you're not giving me my baller yet

because your not giving me cookie

[quote=SkylineGoddess;#97898;1337579690]Screw you! I don't know how to commute and you damn well know that


sorry i dunno know how to commute also

[quote=SkylineGoddess;#97898;1337579690]So you do riiiiiiiiiiiiiiike him

Ok I'll keep it as a secret


whatever cookie, i know you like him

[quote=SkylineGoddess;#97898;1337579690]1. What car would you want to own one day?
2. What's your dream country.
3. If you could be part of an anime series what would it be?
4. Why are you so hensam?
5. I heard you're called 'lover boy' please confirm this

1. i want to own a car like 'toyota innova' or SUV car, i like it big.. so i can brought some of my friends

2: japan.. why? coz my sister is there and i like some of their gadgets. The quality is very good

3. hmmm.. the character? i want to become Takumi Usui from made sama. i don;t know
i just find him so cool

4. dafuq

stop saying im hensam coz im not

5. haha.. no

its just a rumor before, im just a friendly guy

[quote=Belle;#97911;1337579915]My size is 6 1/2

Do you like being tickled?

haha.. oh really huh

it depends on the tickled, if a guy tickled me, i'll punch him


[quote=iSuperman;#97914;1337579996]Do you have any addictions?[/quote]
oh as of now, i don't have any addiction, just surfing and eating

[quote=iSuperman;#97914;1337579996]Do you like Xy?

Do you like xy?

[quote=Belle;#97916;1337580009]hahahahaha maybe because he's a driver.

Basta driver, sweet lover.

lololololll im not a driver pakshuuuuu

[quote=Belle;#97921;1337580152]Do you feel insecure because of your age? I mean, being 28 isn't that bad.

Also, it's a marrying age right? So do you see yourself as a married man this year? If you could marry an ftalker, who would it be and why?[/quote]

im not that old k?

i dont know, if i can marry this year, you wanna propose ?

ahmmm if i could marry an ftalker, hmmmm... next question,. i cant think at this moment. maybe i can answer that next week


[quote=Belle;#97926;1337580215]Sabi sa horoscope, swerte magtriple post ngayon.

Horoscope says, you should post a pic in the group

[quote=SkylineGoddess;#97940;1337580436]He'll marry Kitty!
Hey Dino will you marry Kitty if I'll shoulder all the expenses?

lol, in your dreams i think

hahahaha wtf its impossible, thats all i can say
Last edited by Natsume (2012-05-21 02:13:52)