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In case
^ OMG is that really you Mrs. Batman? guess it has been photoshopped or you must have used some photo apps
share please hehehe
Flaunting my dangling heart-shaped pinkie ring
^It must have been a catch and release fishing I can't see any of your catches
^It looks like mine
The original cover hehehe
Grunge effect (w/ bangs)
yesterday after my appointment at KBS
last leaves in Autumn soon the trees will be bare
Summer vacation 2012 inside the Sun Cruise [url=http://cosmopic.com/717v2048w1280h960-p8042620sj-jpg-image.html][img=150x113]http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/2048/p8042620sj.th.jpg[/img][/url]
relaxing after a long day at work
@ the Mud Festival last Saturday
in the mud
in the water
[quote=JaChriz;#232740;1342334692]With my twin.. lol [/quote]
Do you have a twin?
[quote=mystic rain;#218863;1341722951]Me and my boyfriend[/quote]
wafu and maganda (perfect couple)
cam whoring results
[b]Face[/b] please
[quote=SkylineGoddess;#124742;1338359282]That means all the food I eat somehow end up in my face [/quote]
Lo and Behold mine is bigger
On our way to the migrant center to interview foreign workers last Thursday
[quote=shana16;#93353;1337442147]didn't resize it, too lazeh[/quote]
resizing is just fine but you have to expose ur whole face what are you hiding in there?
is it for the final kill?
[quote=akosiloys;#17568;1335801751]Me and Aya[/quote]
meh a week ago @The Marriott where friends from the Philippines stayed during their visit here
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