[quote=ielle;#59648;1336638346]Welcome to FTalk Xena.

So are you the real warrior princess?

By the way nice ava.

Thanks. No. I`m not the real warrior princess. But I`m a princess on my own. And thanks for the compliment on my my ava.

[quote=iSuperman;#59832;1336642165]Welcome to Ftalk Xena the warrior princess

I'm Gab. Stay active

Thank you Gab the Superman.

I`ll try to be active here.

[quote=H2o;#59899;1336643407]Welcome to ftalk xena, I'm bin

Thanks Bin.

[quote=SkylineGoddess;#61016;1336655450]Welcome to ftalk, Xena. I'm Xylona but you could call me Xy to save your life. Have fun here.

Thanks Xy. I can save my life. I`m the warrior princess remeber?

Just kidding.

Welcome back Xena![/quote]
Thanks Tricia.