Dear Someone,
I know I shouldn't be liking you from the start, cos the fact is we're JUST friends, and always be your "FRIEND" . I just can't deny the fact that you already have her in your life. The day you told me 'bout that facking stuff, I felt like I'm being torn into pieces and it's like someone's stabbing my heart a billion times. I'm sorry, maybe I'm just expecting too much and I've go beyond the boundary of our friendship. At least, I've gone to realization that IT DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE YOU, YOU'LL ALSO LIKE ME TOO. Right ?!! Don't worry, I'm still here to support you as if nothing has changed. I don't have the right to stop you so be happy always. But please, let me say it for the last time:[i] I LOVE YOU, I WILL ALWAYS DO ![/i]
[spoiler]But it hurts so much like hell

~ [b]Lovely[/b]