Whats your personality when you get angry? Literally ANGRY!
Pissed off is different from being angry ok? xD being pissed is more severe than just being angry, but pissed is more widely used because people don't know this little tidbit of info.
I punch the wall or something hard.
Just not to hurt anyone.
[quote=SkylineGoddess;#68247;1336812298]I curse every creature I see. I also tend to physically hurt people. [/quote]
I better [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs26/f/2008/099/d/d/RUN_by_Davidgtza2.gif[/img] for my life when you get mad.
[quote=Edd;#68257;1336812605]I better for my life when you get mad.[/quote]
Yes you should Kuya Ed. Also you need to get away when I'm losing a game. I punch whoever my arms can reach.
[quote=SkylineGoddess;#68264;1336812709]Yes you should Kuya Ed. Also you need to get away when I'm losing a game. I punch whoever my arms can reach. [/quote]
[img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/316/7/4/_backstab__revamp_by_stuck_in_suburbia.gif[/img] oh my God! ok, no games for you.
[quote=Edd;#68374;1336815842]then we will change the description for this sir bob.
Though pissed off and angry differ in meaning. xD[/quote]
Ok..no problem Ed..understand
OT: I yell
My personality takes a huge 180.
I'm pretty horrible when I'm aggravated and I've made several people cry in the past but I've learned to calm down and be chill over the years.