[spoiler]Note** Don't dare to continue reading this link if you plan to eat your lunch or snack after . . you'll probably
[b]by maxiewawa on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 [/b][i][/i]
Reflections in the midst of extreme poverty and filth — a record of a trip in India
India is the dirtiest country I have ever been to. I have heard people say that Pakistan, which is to the west and Bangladesh, to the east, are worse, but that is probably beyond the limits of my imagination.
In two months in India, I went from south to north, visiting some tourist towns that I had read about. I also went by train and bus to countless towns and open fields that weren’t so famous, and everywhere there were people had something in common — dirty, messy and stank. Interestingly, I also saw countless foreigners having a great time.
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Last edited by fioname (2012-05-16 01:52:47)