[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#60455;1336650352]Hahaha, yes he is. Next is ChanYeol *correct me if I'm wrong*. I thought it was Tao though. XDDD[/quote]
hoho, anywho, I liked Kris because of Two Moons only. I'm now in love with Luhan.

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#60455;1336650352]Really? My teacher said it will be so difficult blah blah blah.
My senior year is a lie. O_O[/quote]
hoho. 9gag. lols. I don't know, it's kinda fun for me, me being so independent and everything.

hoho. maybe because my school sucks. kidding.

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#60455;1336650352]Ahahaha, yeah. And Key is always the nagger, lol.[/quote]
Yeah, that's why Minho and Key can't be together. Someone would die. They had a fight for a year right?
[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#60455;1336650352]OMO!~ Those fanfics make me squeal sooooo much. XDDDD[/quote]
Me too! but I don't read much online, my friends shares the best fanfics to me.

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#60455;1336650352]UWAAAHHH~ HUNHANHUNHANHUNHAN!!!! XDDDD
I'm so into Luhan now!~ SARANGHAE, LUHAN-OPPA!~[/quote]

[quote=akosiloys;#60529;1336650964]I read fanfics from Soompi. xD[/quote]
Ohh. What are the best fics you've read?
[quote=MsMaria;#64142;1336729687]I love theeeeeeeeem[/quote]
[quote=magikarp;#62813;1336710364]I really only like BIGBANG now. I used to be a diehard fans of various groups, but now, it's mainly just BIGBANG, and sometimes, 2NE1.[/quote]
Sooo many fans of Big Bang. If you guys are from the Philippines, lucky you!!

[quote=Jirichi;#64126;1336729475]Oh gosh I missed a lot pages.
Anyway those GIFs are <3
My eyes going to get burneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.[/quote]
They are!! <3

[quote=secretstar635;#63090;1336713953]i love boyfriend-min woo,teen top-chunji,CN blue- yong hwa, super junior-ryewook, shinee-onew
I love their songs and of course the way they dance.... nakaka-adIk![/quote]
Yong Hwa!! hihi.