[quote=bianx;#110514;1337949914]Q: when will you call agaiiinnnnn

aannndddd if you call would you tell me the whole storyyy?

i dunno when will i call you again

and what story is that?

[quote=shana16;#110556;1337950962]yeah im hensum , girls love meh

do you like hensum girls?

your not hensum, your perv

do i like hensum girl, sure why not

[quote=velle;#110835;1337956875]1. Have you ever tried to be emo/punk way back Friendster days?
2. What is the name of your father's mother's son?[/quote]
1. yeah i think so. i have an fs layout before, i do some emo in my layout:lol3:
2. marlon

[quote=shana16;#111153;1337965282]everyday of my life


[quote=shana16;#111153;1337965282]why do you guys always lie about your age

whats up with 17+ tag thing here

coz we are awesome

ask aya first

[quote=ielle;#111171;1337966967]But I want your body.

I mean want to see your body.


my body is not that cool

you better ask someone here

[quote=ielle;#111171;1337966967]Yeah. Really.

Are you going to deny it?

yeap coz im not perv
Last edited by Natsume (2012-05-25 19:21:49)