[quote=bobcbar;#138629;1338692960]It's your last day as FTW are you happy or sad about it?[/quote]
I'm happy about it

[quote=A I C H;#138717;1338694269]Did you enjoy it?[/quote]
What "it" are you talking about

[quote=sj0405;#138728;1338694430]Unnecessary things like what?[/quote]
Spam around ftalk and watch people shit themselves while riding a roller coaster

[quote=sj0405;#138728;1338694430]Of course b/c it's your school vacation. You have to stay indoors or else you'll get sunburn[/quote]
No matter what the season/month is I really don't go out unless you drag me kicking and screaming out of the house.

[quote=sj0405;#138728;1338694430]You really did a good job smartie You handled all the questions well and made this thread fun to read[/quote]
I think I just ruined myself here, Ate SJ.

[quote=EHRAAA:);#138948;1338697136]Sorry UD. I thought she's a he! )[/quote]
I can be a he or a she

[quote=EHRAAA:);#138948;1338697136]Well here's another question for you xy.
who's that *** on your ava?[/quote]
That *** what?