[quote=asawanibatman;#156848;1339262850]Who do you like better? Xy or Shana?[/quote]

They both have really different personalities

[quote=bobcbar;#156960;1339284533]Last day of FTW..did you have fun?[/quote]
Yes, week's almost over, but all is well.

[quote=sj0405;#156991;1339286619]Where did you lose it?
How was the feeling?
Was your gf virgin, too then?[/quote]
- In the living room, on the couch after school.

- It wasn't very good.

- Yes.
[quote=sj0405;#156991;1339286619]How often?[/quote]
More than i'd like to admit.

No srsly, when I have school, i do it less.
[quote=lLovely.1pis;#157117;1339292386]It's morning now mastah[/quote]
It's afternoon now, isn't it?

[quote=lLovely.1pis;#157117;1339292386]What is the feeling ?[/quote]
Haven't you experienced it yet?

Idk, sometimes I get overly excited and man, it feels wonderful. I usually fall right asleep after.

[quote=lLovely.1pis;#157117;1339292386]Best fap technique ?
Have you ever touched another guy's tutut ?
Best places to have sex ? (except sogo and bedroom )
How many times a day do you think about sex?[/quote]
- I don't know, there is no best technique. I guess.

- Heck no.
- Ahh, It's anywhere at any time hahaha

wherever you and your partner feel comfortable.
- every waking moment.

[quote=renz_RN;#157204;1339295006]hei why you didnt answer the question?
Your the FTW right?[/quote]
Yea I know, I just don't feel like answering your q's.

[quote=eizeeiz;#157358;1339298593]We have trees here! Jk.[/quote]
Oh yea? pa lbc na