[quote=bramzero;#174928;1339881327]With the chance of my balls get ironed by accident in case my hands get shaky or sth? Bad luck bro I don't wanna be baog.

Because of this, I now have a new question to ask at the "Ask the guys" thread.

[quote=bramzero;#174928;1339881327]Don't even know what's the point of pubic hair

I think it serves as a protection filter like nose hair.
But more importantly, why is it dead?

[spoiler][url=http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081108163601AAK2RSp]it gives women something to floss their teeth with when they're done wit the bj[/url][/spoiler]
[quote=bobcbar;#174951;1339882884]I hope not I don't have any on my head

Look on the bright side, at least you don't grow pubes on your head.