since car modifications is introduced to us by [url=]Fast and Furious films[/url], It is not new to us that. i guess

anyway, what the epp is car modification?
car modification is like yourself. yes

if your car is ugly then you are ugly, if you are ugly then your car is ugly. either way it's the truth. In Automobile world, people around you will get a look in your car. so in order to a achieve that show stopper moment, you gotta pimp your car. understand?

[b]Tires and Mags[/b]
when modifying, change the set of wheels first before everything. it's like changing slippers to a brand new set of Jordan shoes.
choose a bodykits that fit your car. add some spoilers, skirts, bumpers and some scoops. now that's nice.

[b]Go Low[/b]
in the game of modifying, car must be low. the lower your car is the better. lowering springs can cost you up to 150k but there are cheaper kits.
[b]Audio-Visual Equipments[/b]

now that they can see you, let them hear you. go find an ear busting speakers, subs, amps, LCD and some sorts.
yup, decals/stickers can make your car go faster. i think

let your car have it's own attitude dude!
that's it. go pimp baby!