I won't forget these members since I used to talked to them and we are the original Vampire Clan way back 2007 [FriendsterTalk Days]
- ate meng [meng.o3]
- chester [i forgot his username] I think it's d^_~b or almost like that.

- kim [kim-a-holic, the writer]
- kuya Eehjhay [Eehjhay the mod]
- kuya xave [xaverkym or something like that]
- jojo maskels [i forgot his username too

- kirara [i forgot her username too.

- Aina
- harbot [harvi]
- lois [akosiloys]
- kuya neex [neexkun]
- kuya RJ [misskitapag2sday something like that]
- ate mau
- ate love
who else? I forgot others' username.